Indoor Winter Archery League
January 9th to February 27th
Thursday Evenings (League Night)
Makeup nights can be arranged with another league member on any night ASP is open
League Night
Every Thursday Night (4:00 pm to 8:00 pm)​
Open Shooting Nights - League Make Up Nights​
Monday (5:30 pm to 8:00 pm)
Wednesday (4:00 pm to 8:00 pm)
Saturday (9:00 am to 1:00 pm)
Must be registered before January 16th
8 Weeks long, Individual Scores January 9th – to February 27th
Vegas 300 rounds - First 4 weeks
NFAA 300 Rounds - Final 4 weeks
Last week will be shoot off for overall champion
Costs $80/non – member and $40 for Member
All equipment types and skill levels are welcome!
Adjustable slider sights allowed
Scoring will run off of Vegas 300 scoring system for first 4 weeks and NFAA 300 scoring system for final 4 weeks.
Must have a minimum of (2) archers together to verify score.
We encourage you to change up shooting partners! ASP can pair you up with another shooter if you are by yourself