May - September
Thursday Evenings (League Night)
Anytime time that works best for you!
League scores can be shot as a team or on your own. Shoot as far ahead as you like!
18 rounds must be completed by the end of September
5-7 Shooters/Team
Need a few more people for a team? We can help find teammates for you!
18 scored rounds
End-of-Year Banquet
October 26th
Food, Drinks, Awards
18 week league, starting the First Week of May and ending Last week in September. ​​You can shoot as far ahead as you wish.
A league week will be from Sunday to Saturday, during which you can shoot your scores.
A team will consist of seven people with the top five scores used each week. Five people are required, and seven is to your advantage.
A handicap system will be in use with handicapping your score up to 24. You have to shoot a 25 to get a score of 25.
You are not required to shoot as a team and you have the option to shoot on more than one team.
All teams will be competing with each other the first six weeks of the season. After the sixth week, a LEWIS split of teams will take place to determine the Sportsmen, National and American Leagues. By making this split, similar scoring teams will be competing with each other for the remainder of the season. (Split based on the number of teams competing.)
At the end of the 18 weeks, the League Championship is a separate event based on a 50 bird score per person per team. Those 50 targets will be shot after the 18th-week score is shot.
ATA shooters may use a total of 8 ATA registered scores towards their league scores from the Spring Opener or Big Ole shooting events held at ASP.